Software Solutions
DFC Stress Analysis Software is a stress analysis automation tool for the Aerospace industry that streamlines the analysis process from CAE to certification. The tool has been designed around MSC Apex which allows for customization and automation of the stress analysis process.
Some of the key benefits of using the tool include:
DFC is built around MSC Apex which is a modern, award-winning CAE software package.
DFC uses the aero industry-trusted CAE solver MSC Nastran.
DFC is a proven certification tool.
DFC is designed for doing the same tasks as before, just quicker.
DFC allows for the efficient utilization of stress resources, irrespective of their experience.
DFC is designed around the principle of customization - use your own stress report templates, use your own stress analysis methods.
DFC allows for a quick turnaround due to load changes and design changes.
Highlights of 2021 Hexagon Design and Engineering Live Presentations (Excerpt)
Fast tracking FEA models with MSC Apex and utilising DFC Software to complete the stress analysis - Zak Fourie from Paramount Aerospace Industries
To find out more about this product, please contact JJ Joubert
+27 (0) 12 662 5000